Atrocities of Pakistan's Current Shahbaz Shareef, Government


Unveiling the Atrocities of Pakistan's Current Shahbaz Shareef, Government


Pakistan, a nation with a rich history and vibrant culture, is currently dealing with a leadership that has come under fire for alleged violations of human rights and dictatorial behavior. The current administration, led by [Name of the current government's leader], has faced significant criticism both domestically and internationally for its role in perpetuating various atrocities. This article tries to shed light on some of the most alarming events and practises that have raised questions about Pakistan's democracy and human rights situation.

Suppression of Freedom of Expression:

In Pakistan, there has been tremendous restriction of free speech under the current administration. Various strategies, such as intimidation, harassment, and even forced disappearances, have been used to target journalists, activists, and opposition voices. Independent journalism has been suppressed by this attack on press freedom, creating a culture of self-censorship and fear among media workers.

Marginalization of Minority Communities:

Minority communities in Pakistan, including religious and ethnic minorities, have long endured discrimination and persecution. Unfortunately, the present administration hasn't done anything to address these pervasive problems. Christians, Hindus, and Ahmadis are only a few examples of the religious minorities who experience prejudice, coercion, and violence. Similar to the Pashtuns and Balochs ethnic minorities have frequently been subjected to extrajudicial murders, enforced disappearances, and other human rights violations.

Blasphemy Laws and Religious Intolerance:

In Pakistan, blasphemy laws have been abused to target certain people, particularly religious minorities and people who have divergent opinions. Blasphemy accusations have sparked riots, vigilante punishment, and even extrajudicial deaths. Because of these rules, there is now an atmosphere of intolerance and fear, and individuals are reluctant to express their views or have frank discussions.

Lack of Women's Rights:

Pakistan still struggles with gender inequality and the infringement of women's rights, despite some recent progress. The marginalisation of women in society is sustained by the current administration's inability to handle problems including honour killings, forced marriages, domestic abuse, and limited access to education. The implementation of laws that support gender equality and shield women from violence and discrimination has also made little progress.

Censorship and Internet Freedom:

By placing limits on social media sites and online information, the present administration has tightened its hold on internet freedom. The ideals of privacy and freedom of expression have been undermined by the use of the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act (PECA) to suppress dissent, muzzle critics, and keep an eye on online activity. These measures further curtail the ability of citizens to express their opinions and access unbiased information.


In Pakistan, the current administration has a worrying history of violating human rights, restricting freedoms, and undermining democratic principles. An atmosphere of fear and oppression is facilitated by the suppression of free speech, marginalisation of minority communities, abuse of blasphemy laws, gender discrimination, and censorship.

The international community must hold the Pakistani government responsible for its actions and press it to uphold human rights, safeguard marginalised populations, and promote an atmosphere that is conducive to freedom of speech and democracy. Addressing these atrocities, fostering inclusivity, and upholding the ideals of justice and equality for all of its residents are crucial to Pakistan's future.

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